Go for Joy, Not Happiness
We live in a culture that is obsessed with being happy. We wonder if a new partner or a new city or a new adventure will make us happy. ...

Scared About the Next 4 Years? Take a Lesson From Improv Comedy
I know yesterday was a rough day for many. Popular words on my FB feed included grief, depression, shock, sadness, disbelief. When times...

How to choose ONE habit that will change your life
The internet is awash in suggestions, tips, and tricks for getting the life you want. And many of them are ideas that would truly make a...

Why you shouldn't buy everything that your mind tries to sell you
“I am so upset,” my client Myra exclaimed the other day. “I have been doing this whole dating app thing for almost 5 months now. Finally,...

How disruptions can be the most beautiful part of life
If you are like most of my clients, you want to be in control of how things go in your life. You want to make a plan, and execute the...

Reclaim your time from the jaws of the non-essential
From the outpouring of responses to my last blog, The Case for Blissful Inefficiency, it is clear that many, many of you are ready to...

The Case for Blissful Inefficiency
If you are anything like me and everyone I know, you have spent decades mastering the art of productivity: You have determined the exact...

Why Self-Esteem Isn't All It’s Cracked Up to Be
If you were raised in the modern US school system, odds are that you were bombarded with messaging to boost that notorious-yet-intangible...

How to Tell if Your Current Job is "Great Enough"
But what about if you're somewhere in the middle? You enjoy your job but wonder whether you should start looking for something even...

My New Year's Wish for You: A Slow 2016
One of the holiday cards I received this year said: “We are thankful for a wonderful 2015 that seems to have whizzed by us all too...